To achieve its mission the National Partnership of Ocean Prediction undertakes the following activities:
Promote the use of operational ocean modelling with key stakeholders
Engage with the key user stakeholders to maximise uptake of Ocean Prediction products and services.
With stakeholders, identify the UK’s priorities for ocean predictions
Identify gaps and deficiencies in services and products, and prioritise these in relation to stakeholder needs and the delivery of specific impacts
Help inform the observational community on the observations (types and locations) needed by marine modelling and assimilation to meet these priorities.
Conduct joint scientific research
Ensure scientific endeavours are directed towards the joint priority goals of Ocean Prediction and delivery to stakeholders through jointly coordinated and delivered programmes
Horizon scan future research and development to ensure it meets developing needs. Deliver joint publications and other scientific/technical output.
Joint development of actionable model-based products and services
Work together to produce model based products and added-value advice and interpretation of these
These products include hindcast, reanalysis, analysis, forecast (days-seasons) and future projections (decades-centuries), as well as Rapid Environmental Assessments and Case studies.
Work together to generate the underpinning revenue to help support the above activities
Develop proposals through existing and novel funding routes, including the engagement with funding bodies to help direct calls and announcements of opportunities
Work with both Research funding and End-User funding routes, with the general objective being to align these funding avenues with the core business of our organisations
Work at building connections between our respective business development groups, so that they can seek public, NGO and commercial sector exploitation of partners products and services.