Marine Data Assimilation

The purpose of this new group is to bring together scientists with an interest in data assimilation to identify areas where joint work is possible to develop a long term marine data assimilation strategy for the UK.

One role of this group is to ensure interested scientists have a forum for sharing and discussing the latest advances in data assimilation. It is identifying areas where additional (or continuing) joint work would be beneficial.

The areas of science being discussed within the group are:

  • Development of ensemble and hybrid techniques
  • Coupled data assimilation and initialisation
  • Coupling physical and biological data assimilation
  • Biogeochemical reanalysis
  • Operational ecology
  • Sea ice assimilation
  • Assimilation of new data types
  • Observing System (Simulation) Experiments (OSE/OSSEs).

Chair: Stefano Ciavatta